Foundation Study Program

The Foundation Program (FP) is an in-depth program designed for people who wish to deepen their understanding and experience of Kadampa Buddhism through a systematic study of essential Buddhist commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. 


This study program was designed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche as a means to facilitate the development of our unlimited spiritual potential.


Through regular teachings and meditation, systematic study and group discussion, the Foundation Program offers the same training followed by spiritual practitioners in an unbroken lineage dating back to Buddha Shakyamuni. Through the kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who has updated the commentaries of these teachings into a presentation for the modern world, we can gain authentic experience of the Dharma while still maintaining our contemporary lifestyle.


The new term begins Monday 19th August 2024.


The class on Monday 19th August is a FREE class. (no cost, no commitments) to give you a chance to have first hand experience before committing to the programme.



The study of Meaningful to Behold teaches us:

–       How to improve our lives by cultivating authentic love and compassion

–       How we can genuinely benefit others

–       How to practice the methods that lead us to enlightenment.


The secret of the Foundation Program’s success lies in the commitment made by the student and in the clear structure of study.  Students sign up to study a book or part of a book; agree to attend every class; learn the material and to take a test at the conclusion of the study.  If for a suitable reason a student is not able to attend the class in person, he or she agrees to catch up by listening to a recording of the class.

*This is not a walk-in program and enrollment is required. Students should be familiar with weekly classes and show interest in further study.  A trial class can be requested. It is suggested that students should have some experience of General Programme Classes before joining.

Email: for more information.

Prior to class, students study an assigned portion of the text, usually a few pages long, and memorise the essential points.


The class begins with chanted prayers and guided meditation.


The teacher then reads the assigned selection from the book while giving commentary to the text.


The students then divide into pairs to discuss the material.


The teacher and students conclude by deciding what to meditate on in the next class and how to practice during the coming week.


The students participate in preparation of the meditation room on the day of their class (when classes at the Centre are possible as per lockdown status).

The program comprises the following five subjects based on Buddha’s Sutra teachings and the corresponding commentaries by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso:


The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, based on the commentary, Joyful Path of Good Fortune


  1. Training the Mind, based on the commentaries, Universal Compassion and Eight Steps to Happiness
  2. The Heart Sutra, based on the commentary, Heart of Wisdom
  3. Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, based on the commentary, Meaningful to Behold
  4. Types of Mind, based on the commentary, How to Understanding the Mind
Meaningful to Behold


Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but few
understand how to accomplish this successfully in daily life.
Bodhisattvas are friends of the world, who have such strong compassion
that they are able to transform all their daily activities into ways of
benefiting others. 

The path of the Bodhisattva was exquisitely explained
in the universally loved poem Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life
by the 8th century master Shantideva. With this commentary, the full
effectiveness and profundity of this wonderful poem are revealed in full
and made applicable for our time. This practical handbook is essential
for those wishing to follow a way of life characterised by greater
empathy and compassion for others.

The cost is R500 a month to become a member which includes the Foundation Study Programme, free admission to General Program Classes at the Centre and branches, discount on certain events and retreats at the Centre.

To find out more about the Foundation Program Membership and how you can join Click the this Memberships Link


In August 2024 the Foundation Program begins a new book, Meaningful to Behold

A unique study program to fulfill our highest potential.


Westville & Online
Monday 18:00 – 20:00

If you have been coming to meditation classes for a while and want to take your practice to the next level, the Foundation Program (FP) is for you. The systematic and comprehensive study of five essential subjects is an ideal option for further development.

Our FP teacher

Buddhist Monk, Gen Jampel


R500 Per Month


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