An event every week that begins at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, repeating until April 25, 2023
Meditation is becoming more popular and sought after to assist with the demands of modern life. As such, perhaps you’ve come across and even tried some breathing meditation?
Although in its own right breathing meditation can be very profound, within Buddhist meditation it is often used to prepare the mind for the actual meditation that follows. Why do we need to know this? Because we all have the potential for self-transformation, and a limitless capacity for the growth of good qualities, but to fulfill this potential we need to know what to do along every stage of our spiritual journey. The answers to this lie within the Lamrim Meditations, a special set of instructions that includes all the essential teachings of Buddha, structured in a comprehensive way that is easy to understand and put into practice.
In this meditation class series, Buddhist Monk Gen Jampel will guide us on the journey of meditations which cause the stages of the path to enlightenment to appear in our mind. How fortunate we are to have this opportunity as modern people!
Everybody is welcome!
Tuesdays 6:30 – 8pm
Cost R80/class