An event every week that begins at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, repeating until May 16, 2023
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso once said that Love is the real nuclear bomb detroying the enemy.
Lets see what he means…
We can begin by thinking about how an angry or hateful mind perceives enemies and a loving mind perceives friends.
We know this to some degree, that everything is worse when we have a negative state of mind and much better when it is positive. But perhaps we don’t realise the power we have to completely ‘destroy’ all our enemies through accessing our potential for loving kindness. If we were to do this it would mean we would be surrounded by pleasant, enjoyable people that we feel connected and close to, all the time. Buddha revealed that we can all transform our world in this way and live continually amongst friends but this depends upon causing the love we already have to grow to its full potential.
In this meditation class series Buddhist monk, Gen Jampel will explain Buddha’s instructions on what we need to do to make this a reality and guide us gently to gain some experience for ourselves.
Everybody’s welcome!
Tuesdays 6:30 – 8pm
Cost R80/class