An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, repeating until July 25, 2023
The strength of character of a real hero or heroine is something we all have the potential for, but we need to learn how to grow it. We all have good qualities, but their strength and stability probably have lots of room for improvement and it would be great if they didn’t let us down when we need them most.
Our mind is an incredible, marvelous thing, capable of achieving things beyond our wildest dreams. But this will only happen if we understand it well and can use it beneficially, so we definitely need some tips on how to begin this project.
In this meditation class series Buddhist monk, Gen Jampel will give us some simple tools and insights on what to focus on, what to do, and what to avoid, to cause our potential to unfold. Then we can gently integrate these into our daily life and begin our transformation into a new better version of ourself!
About the Teacher
As the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Centre Durban, Gen Jampel takes joy in helping us discover the innate potential for freedom and peace we carry in our hearts – even in difficult times. An ordained Buddhist monk, he has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years and elucidates the life-changing wisdom of meditation through the lens of everyday life. Loved for his uplifting example and playful humour, he is a relatable teacher and reliable friend to the community.
Everybody’s Welcome!