An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Wednesday, repeating until May 17, 2023
Do you dream of a simple life, one that is less complicated and with more space and more meaning?
This dream can become a reality for you, simply through meditation.
During these classes, learn how, without needing to change anything external in your life, you can fulfill your dream simply through meditaiton.
With familiarity, everything becomes easy. Learn how by gaining familiartiy with meditation, your life with naturally simplify.
The meditations taught in this series are simple, yet powerful and effective methods to train our mind to be peaceful and happy, helping us to solve our inner problems of stress, anxiety and depression and find a genuine, lasting inner peace and happiness.
The class includes an inspiring talk and two guided meditations and are perfect for beginners and experienced meditators alike.
Everyone is welcome.
In this meditation class series Buddhist nun, Chosang will reveal the magic of how to enjoy meditating in a way that brings simplicity and space in your life.
Wednesdays 10:30am – 12pm
Cost R80/class