An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, repeating until May 24, 2023
Do you feel like you are losing out in so many ways because your life is too cluttered? Feel like there is no room to move and there are too many things demanding your attention which bring no satisfaction. Perhaps the result is extra stress and missed opportunities.
No freedom, no time, no inspiration and no inner peace… It’s time to declutter!
We need to simplify our life to make space for the things that have meaning.
But how do we do this?
Get rid of our possessions and unnecessary things?
Although there may be some benefit to reducing the unnecessary things we accumulate in our life and the demands they carry with them. The real decluttering needs to happen in the mind. With a peaceful and spacious mind our focus and happiness will naturally improve. Life will become more fulfilling and we will be able to really access our potential. This change cannot come from rearranging external conditions, it can only come from learning to control the mind.
In this meditation class series Buddhist monk, Gen Jampel will reveal the magic of how to declutter our mind and then how to use this new freedom to utilise our potential for happiness, compassion and wisdom through meditation.
Everybody’s welcome!