Meditations for Mental health & well-being

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

In recent times we're becoming more aware of mental health. The taboos of the past are outdated and we are recognising that we need to prioritise looking after our mind. We also know very well that modern life is an ever increasing array of different circumstances that can trigger anxiety, depression, low self esteem and […]


Urban Retreat | Abiding in Clarity

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

You don't need to leave the city to retreat into meditation!  Be kind to yourself and others, make time to meditate.   In this urban meditation retreat, you can put aside some time, forget about your daily life and settle into the practise of meditation. You will be led on a voyage of exploration into […]

R120.00 – R240.00

Heart Jewel

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Heart Jewel is the heart essence of Kadampa Buddhism and all followers of Je Tsongkapa memorise it and practice it regularly.   Buddhas or enlightened beings can appear or emanate as anything, and especially as spiritual teachers and protectors. In this practice, we pray to and rely upon the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri in both of […]

Powa – Prayers for the Deceased

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

  Through faith, concentration, compassion, prayers and mantras the participants assist in transferring the consciousness of the recently deceased directly to the Pure Land where they will be free from suffering and experience true happiness forevermore.  This practice includes special offerings made on behalf of the deceased, such as flowers, incense, candles and food, which […]


Wishfulfilling Jewel with meditations

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Wishfulfilling Jewel is a special practice for developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength by relying on the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, and for overcoming obstacles and difficulties in our meditation (Dharma) practice by relying on the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. This practice includes two silent breaks for meditation, the first is 10 minutes and the […]


Wishfulfilling Jewel with meditations

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Wishfulfilling Jewel is a special practice for developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength by relying on the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, and for overcoming obstacles and difficulties in our meditation (Dharma) practice by relying on the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. This practice includes two silent breaks for meditation, the first is 10 minutes and the […]


Wishfulfilling Jewel with meditations

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Wishfulfilling Jewel is a special practice for developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength by relying on the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa, and for overcoming obstacles and difficulties in our meditation (Dharma) practice by relying on the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. This practice includes two silent breaks for meditation, the first is 10 minutes and the […]


Meditations for Mental health & well-being

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

In recent times we're becoming more aware of mental health. The taboos of the past are outdated and we are recognising that we need to prioritise looking after our mind. We also know very well that modern life is an ever increasing array of different circumstances that can trigger anxiety, depression, low self esteem and […]


Family Fun Day : Sizzle ‘n Serenity

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

As the year end approaches, it seems that things get faster and more pressurized.  There is so much to do in so little time - exams, deadlines, and wrapping up work for the year.   Escape from your ordinary busy life for a morning of serene meditations guided by Buddhist monk Gen Jampel and buddhist […]

R150.00 – R300.00

Heart Jewel

Westville 26 Menston Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Heart Jewel is the heart essence of Kadampa Buddhism and all followers of Je Tsongkapa memorise it and practice it regularly.   Buddhas or enlightened beings can appear or emanate as anything, and especially as spiritual teachers and protectors. In this practice, we pray to and rely upon the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri in both of […]

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